VAR: Font Juventus 2019-2020

Font Juventus 2019-2020

At the point when Juventus brought Cristiano Ronaldo to Turin the previous summer, they did it for one reason. 
They didn't require any assistance back home in Italy - seven straight Scudettos before Ronaldo arrived reveals to you that. 
And keeping in mind that the No 7 shirts are a not half bad cash

spinner, a footballing monster like Juve doesn't base its exchange
movement around beating a couple of additional reproduction units to nine-year-olds.
No, Ronaldo is in Italy to help Juventus pursue the Champions League trophy - one which has been tortuously avoiding them throughout the previous 23 years. They've lost in the last multiple times since they last brought the cup up in 1996. In one of those their new fundamental man was on the opposite side. 

Before Tuesday night's arrival leg with Atletico Madrid, in which Juventus were entrusted with toppling a 2-0 shortfall, all the discussion was about whether Ronaldo could pull it off. It never truly felt like an inquiry.